The Bitcoin beehive is a magical phenomenon to observe. Designed and crafted by nature herself, it is a marvel of design and engineering.
This is a tour of the bitcoin beehive from the perspective of a member bee. We couldn’t film the encounter so we encourage you to visually imagine the scene with as much creativity as you can muster.
Welcome to our hive.
We are very proud of our colony and welcome you to this tour to witness our collective creation.
Our allegiance is to our Queen (the protocol) and we are each willing to give our lives to defend her at all cost. Our collective survival depends on her survival.
Worker bees (miners) forage for nectar (energy) which protects the colony from starvation. Our colony is constantly growing and we require increasing amounts of nectar as fuel to stay alive.
When you first observe our hive it may seem chaotic and confusing, with lots of buzzing and things happening very fast. For us bees though, this hive is a highly organized and aligned orchestra, where everyone is doing exactly what is needed to protect the Queen, produce the honey and continue to grow the hive.
The hive orchestra plays beautiful music. It might sound like noise to the uninitiated, but observe it and learn about it for long enough, and you begin to hear the music. It might take time and that’s okay. We plan to continue playing our music for a long time, and will be here whenever you’re ready to listen deeply.
As the hive expands, we increase our resilience. We can generate more heat in the winter to keep our Queen alive, and we can continue generating the essential honey that our colony and many others depend on for their survival.
Individually we are are ordinary insects, but together we form an extraordinary super-organism capable of amazing coordination and efficiency.
The output of our work is a sweet substance called honey (sound money). We work tirelessly to create this honey and offer it to the world. It’s the worlds sweetest honey, and it is available to anyone who wants it. We don’t pick favourites or give anyone unfair access to our honey.
Soldier bees (plebs) in the hive create an environment that allows us to birth pupa plebs which will eventually blossom into adults and contribute to the protection and propagation of the hive.
We protect our hive because our very survival depends on it. To keep our hive clean, we regularly remove waste (scammers), and we viciously defend the hive from external intruders (shitcoin shillers, FUD pushers).
When one bee detects a threat, they emit pheromones (memes and toxic maximalism) to identify the intruder and alert all other bees of the threat. Sometimes we need to sting intruders as a firm signal that they are not welcome, and that we will take more drastic measures if they continue threatening us.
After being stung, some intruders learn their lesson. They heed the warning and proceed with caution, knowing that we do not mess around when it comes to protecting our Queen.
Others refuse to learn the lesson. They choose to think we are mean and blame us for their unwillingness to learn. They refuse to understand what is at stake and why we defend it with our lives. That’s okay. After being deprived of honey and stung enough times, everyone eventually learns.
We are the Bitcoin Beehive. We protect our Queen with our lives.
We produce the worlds sweetest honey.
Together we are a super organism through which nature enables the emergence of a collective intelligence. We are all aligned because what is good for each bee is good for the hive.
Thank you for learning about the Bitcoin beehive.
The tour is now over and I must get back to work protecting the colony and supporting our worker bees as they continue to produce sweet honey.
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